

Made by Investors, for Investors

Property Financial Analysis

Effortlessly analyze and compare the profitability of your investments to enhance your financial strategies effectively.

Intelligent calculators tailored to your strategy

Rental Calculator

✓ Evaluate the potential profitability of various types of real estate, including single-family homes, multi-family residences, and commercial properties.

✓ Conduct comprehensive analyses on significant financial metrics such as cash flow and Return on Investment (ROI).

✓ Generate user-friendly reports detailing all essential indicators.

BRRRR Calculator

✓ Obtain precise ROI analysis on your rehabilitation properties, complete with comprehensive calculations.

✓ Predict your cash flow accurately and make provisions for unexpected expenditures.

✓ Develop comprehensive reports, user-friendly and inclusive of crucial metrics.

Fix and Flip Calculator

✓ Ascertain your prospective earnings from a fix and flip property prior to investment.

✓ Scrutinize the holding costs and estimate profit potential over intervals of 30, 90, and 270 days.

✓ Generate comprehensive, printable reports that are ideal for presenting to lenders, partners, or investors.

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